1 . Logo of the App (from free assets)
During my formation, I attended classes in Android Development using the AndroidStudio software. Using this software, we were expected in a team of four, to design a functional android-based app that would make use of API calls and multiple screens.
My team and I decided to orient ourselves towards a "simple" dictionary app, which would allow users to look up a word and find its definition or synonyms. This project was challenging from the start, as none of the members of the team had any experience with Java or the software beforehand. Therefore, we needed to learn about every step of the process right on the job.
The App works as follows : the user logs into the app using their username and password, and reach a search bar where they can write in a word. Depending on the tab of the app that they are currently in, they will then be able to find the different definitions or synonyms linked to the word they searched. However, there is no auto-correction feature in place, so if the user inputs an incorrect word, they will not get their answer.
The display of the answers is made through a set of RecycleViews, with their content obtained from calls to DictionaryAPI. You can see the format and test out this API by clicking on the link.
2. Definitions and synonyms tabs of the app for a search of the word "Tree"
In these two screens, we can see the format of the results of each search. For example here we can see that in the Definitions tab, "tree" has multiple available definitions, all relating to "tree" as a noun, and in the Synonyms tab, multiple synonyms that correlate (sometimes maybe loosely) to the word searched.
Overall, this project taught my team and I many things, from UI design on Android to API usage, and considering the very low level of knowledge with which we began, the result we obtained was very much satisfying.
If you need more detailed information on the technical side of this project, you can check it out through the Powerpoint presentation below :
(note: This presentation is in french)