The base concept for this project was to design and program the prototype for a simple « Escape Room » style game on Unity. The objective was to accomplish a playable experience that would be easy to use for any player, with puzzles challenging enough to require some thought without in depth puzzle knowledge, as well as have a functional yet visually pretty game.
Menu Screen
It was realized over a period of about 6 weeks of classes, in a team of three. It’s composed of three rooms including the ending room, uses a few customized assets, as well as two set puzzles. If you ever play and are trapped, don't hesitate to contact me for a hint!
Key features of this game include :
⁃ an animated third person player;
⁃ decorated interactive rooms;
⁃ safes with custom UI and password;
⁃ UV lamp to reveal hidden objects;
⁃ A remote that controls the channels on a TV;
⁃ Keys to unlock doors
This was the first ever more accomplished game that everyone on the team had worked on, and uses mostly free assists from the Unity Store.
Here are some visuals from the game :
2 . UV Light Used to reveal secret messages
3. Custom UI to enter Safe Codes 4. Remote used to turn on and browse through
TV channels
5. View of Room 1 6. View of Room 2